Richard Zimmermann

Blog Post

20 Aug

New parsed file for my corpus of Middle English poetry

Floire lies in Blancheflor’s lap
Floire in Blancheflor’s lap, from a manuscript at Heidelberg University

Floire lies in Blancheflor’s lap
Floire in Blancheflor’s lap, from a manuscript at Heidelberg University

Today, I finished a brand-new file for my Parsed Corpus of Middle English Poetry. The text is Floris and Blancheflour, as found in manuscript Cambrdige Gg.4.27. The text adds another ~5k words to the corpus, which is intended to be used for studies on diachronic syntax and historical linguistics.

Floris and Blancheflour was one of the most popular poems of Medieval Europe. For background information, see The Database of Middle English Romances or the Wikipedia entry. I have also written up an extensive text documentation for the corpus, which can be found here.

I'm happy I could parse another text for the PCMEP corpus project and am looking forward to the next addition.

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